As a result of further discussions, a decision on the establishment of the Polish Rectors Foundation (PRF), with a scientific research unit, was taken. PRF was founded on 7 June 2001. Considering the interest which an initiative to establish a reasearch institute has drawn among rectors of non-public higher education institutions and the need for providing as wide support for the institute as possible, i.e. support from public and non-public sector of higher education, the Polish Rectors Foundation initiated activities intended to set up the institute jointly by the Foundation and its partners representing non-public higher education institutions.
Our goals - acting for the benefit of education, especially higher education, science and culture in Poland,
- supporting scientific, educational and cultural policy of the state as well as institutions and individuals acting for the benefit of education, science and culture,
- supporting and awarding students and young scientists.
Forms of activity - promotion of development of education, science and culture
- acting for the benefit of wide-spreading of higher education and equality of educational opportunities for young people
- promoting the offer of education institutions
- awarding achievements the development of national education
- promoting life-long learning as well as increasing an interest of citizens in education
- carrying out, organizing and supporting research on strategic problems of education and science, with special attention paid to European integration
- carrying out research and making expertises for academic community in Poland
- carrying out, organizing and supporting research on educational policy and its interaction with higher education
- monitoring processes in higher education and interactions between higher education and secondary education
- developing and giving access to databases on higher education and science as well as assisting in organizing project teams
- participating in activities for the benefit of national culture
- promoting and acting for the benefit of the development of information society and knowledge-based economy
- initiating and organizing public debates in the area of science, education and culture, as well as dissemination of its results
- assisting individuals and institutions which work on improvment of education and scientific research system
- cooperation with national and foregin institutions acting in area of higher education and science,
- organizing conferences, training programs and seminars
- issuing regular and occasional publications on higher education and science