PRF President at the conference Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC)
On 28 - 29 January 2015 r. PRF President, Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki participated in the conference „ Main challenges to universities in Central and Eastern Europe", which was held in Budapest.
This is the first of a series of annual conferences organized by the Center of International Higher Education Studies (CIHES) at the Corvinus University of Budapest and the Central European University (CEU) in collaboration with partners from the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia as part of the Central European Higher Education Cooperation (CEHEC) project.
The aim of the project is to enhance academic collaboration and best practice/experience sharing in the areas of higher education and science and research.
The main theme of the conference were the main developments and current issues concerning higher education system in Central and Eastern European region.
Prof. Jerzy Woźnicki, as a panelist, conducted a speech: "The selected deregulation requirements towards HES reforms in Poland based on the report „Deregulation HE system", PRF 2015".
Program of CEHEC Conference >>>