The Seminar „Level 5. – the lacking part in the National Frameworks of Qualification”
Polish Rectors Foundation together with its strategic partner - Pearson Central & Easter Europe Company has been started the research project entitled "The 5th Level of National Frameworks of Qualification. The Higher Education." The main aim of this project is to organize discussions within academic community about the necessities and the ways to introduce the programs of education appropriate to the descriptors of 5th level of Polish and European Framework of Qualification. As one of the part of this project, together with the analysis of documents and the literature of the subject, there were conducted interviews with the representatives of the authorities of the universities, who were responsible for the program development.
The results of these researches will be presented during the Seminar entitled "Level 5. - the lacking part in the National Frameworks of Qualification", which will be organized by the Polish Rectors Foundation on 12 December 2013 at the Gornoslaska 14 Street. The Seminar is free of charge.
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