Assembly of the Founders of the Polish Rectors Foundation and the Institute of Knowledge Society
The assembly of the Founders of the Polish Rectors Foundation and the Institute of Knowledge Society was held on 20 September 2013 at the Polish Rectors Foundation in Warsaw.
At the beginning of the meeting the President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, HM Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice, Prof. Wiesław Banyś presented the current issues concerning higher education system in Poland. Afterwards the President of the Polish Rectors Foundation, Professor Jerzy Woźnicki presented the activities and achievements of the Polish Rectors Foundation during the academic year 2013/2013. In the next part of the meeting a panel debate took place on the subject of "coexistence the central institution: the organs and the representative organizations in the higher education system, in the light of experiences and guidelines of development". The moderator of the discussion was Prof. Józef Lubacz the President of the General Council of Science and Higher Education.