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The II FRP-ISW Seminar for doctoral students

On January 22th, 2013 at the Polish Rectors Foundation the II FRP-ISW Seminar for doctoral students took place entitled "The role of the higher education in the development of Knowledge Society". 

The main topic of seminar was "Quality assurance of higher education and university development considerations associated with this". At the beginning, the President of Polish Rectors Foundation, Prof Jerzy Woźnicki presented the current issues concerning HE system in Poland. Afterwards, Prof Ewa Chmielecka delivered a lecture entitled " What's new in quality assurance? The coverage from Quality Forum in Tallin". The next speaker was Prof. Mieczysław Socha, the representative of the Polish Accreditation Committee (PKA) which delivered a speech entitled " The role of quality assurance in the development of higher education". The Prof. Zbigniew Marciniak (Warsaw University), reported "How can we successfully present the effects of education?". Finally, there was a discussion, enriched with comments of Dr Jan Sadlak (The president of  IREG Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence).

2013-01-23 11:56
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