The next edition of the Seminar for doctoral students
On November 27th, 2012 at the Polish Rectors Foundation the I FRP-ISW Seminar in the academic year 2012/2013 for doctoral students took place entitled "The role of the higher education in the development of Knowledge Society".
During the Seminar, the Polish Rectors Foundation President presented the current issues concerning higher education system in Poland and Professor Jarosław Górniak (the Dean of Faculty of Philosophy at the Jagiellonian University) gave a lecture entitled "Does higher education have economic sense". Bartłomiej Banaszak gave a speech on "Offers of the higher education institutions in the context of employability and determinants of labour market. In compliance with the Seminars principles the participants presented their own presentations which was followed by a discussion.
2012-11-28 14:37
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