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The President of Polish Rectors Foundation a member of CRASP Presidium

Professor Jerzy Woźnicki has been reelected as the President of the Organisation and Legalisation Committee and as the member of CRASP Presidium. CRASP is the strategic partner of the Polish Rectors Foundation.

Authorities of CRASP Committees:

Prof. dr hab. Bogusław Fiedor


Wrocław University of Economics (Rector 2005-2012)
President of the Economic Committee

Prof. Henryk Krawczyk
Rector of Gdansk University of Technology
President of the IT Infrastructure Committee

Prof. Wojciech Nowak
Rector of Jagiellonian University in Krakow
President of the Science Committee

Prof. Wlodzimierz Nykiel
Rector of University of Lodz
President of the International Affairs Committee

Prof. Tadeusz Slomka
Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology
President of the Committee for Innovation and Economy Cooperation

Prof. Jan Szmidt
Rector of Warsaw University of Technology
President of the Education Committee

Prof. Jerzy Woznicki
Warsaw University of Technology (Rector 1996-2002)
President of the Organisation and Legislation Committee
2012-09-12 10:57
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