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Meeting of the Founders Assembly of the Polish Rectors Foundation and the Institute of Society Knowledge

The annual meeting of the Founders Assembly of the Polish Rectors Foundation and the Institute of Society Knowledge, traditionally as an academic seminar with  invited guests, was held on 18 September 2015 at the Polish Rectors Foundation in Warsaw.

At the beginning of the meeting the President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland, HM Rector of the University of Silesia in Katowice, Prof. Wiesław Banyś presented the current activities of CRASP. Afterwards the President of the Polish Rectors Foundation, Professor Jerzy Woźnicki presented the most important projects and achievements of the Polish Rectors Foundation during the academic year 2014/2015.

Vice President of  National Council for Science and Higher Education in Poland, prof. Zbigniew Marciniak informed about ongoing activities of NCSHE and prof. Karol Musioł - the Chairman of Supervisory Board of PRF presented information about establish the Chapter of Medal PRF PROPTER MERITA. In the next part of the meeting prof. Jerzy Woźnicki presented "Program of Higher Education development in Poland to 2020", confirmed by CRASP. At the end of the meeting the discussion between founders and invited guests took place.

2015-09-21 21:06
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