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ISW-FRP Seminar for doctoral students in the academic year 2013/2014

Institute of Knowledge Society in cooperation with the Polish Rectors Foundation invite for a continuation of the nationwide doctoral seminar entitled „The role of higher education in shaping the knowledge society".

In the academic year 2013/14 the leading theme of ISW-FRP seminar for doctoral students will be systemic changes in higher education in Poland.

Objectives of the Seminar:

  • to provide doctoral students participating in the seminar substantive personal contacts with leading experts in the field of higher education and research in Poland;
  • to create an academic community for PhD students preparing doctoral dissertations related to the issue of the knowledge society, with the purpose of discussing the fundamental problems of the functioning of the systems of higher education and scientific research in Poland and in the world;
  • to create a national forum of exchange of experiences for PhD students;
  • to participate in the education of a group of young Polish experts specializing in higher education issues in order to prepare them for conducting future research in this area;
  • to provide information about previously conducted or undertaken work on doctoral theses in the field covered by the seminar topics;



Seminar Participants

The seminar is organized for young researchers engaged in research related to Seminar topic, in particular to:

  • PhD students preparing dissertations under the new scientific discipline of public policy science, in the field of social sciences;
  • PhD students preparing dissertations in other disciplines (management, sociology, education, science of sciences, engineering sciences, etc.), thematically related to higher education and research;

Participation of promoters/tutors of the doctoral dissertations concerning higher education issues is expected.

Each of the seminar will consist of lecture of a well-known expert on the chosen topic, the presentation of the work carried out by PhD students, comments devoted to current events in higher education and scientific research as well as a discussion with participating doctoral students.
2013-10-24 09:37
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